A Venn Academy Trust School

– Together we will…

Venn is a pioneering academy trust, committed to building educational environments where all pupils are inspired to become lifelong learners who achieve the very highest standards possible.

Collaborating with all partners, the Trust works with its unique settings to create world class learning experiences for all.

Registered address:

Venn Academy Trust
Albion House
Albion Lane
East Yorkshire
HU10 6TS.

A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales (company number: 09662303).

Remote Learning Offer
– Information for parents

Remote education provision

At Griffin Primary School we are dedicated to ensuring that parents, carers and pupils understand the expectations for home learning and how to access this. This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents/carers about what to expect from remote education. Remote learning at home will take place when national or local restrictions are in place, or when bubbles are required to self-isolate.

For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the section at the bottom of the page.

The remote curriculum: what is taught to pupils at home

Remote learning can be accessed immediately through Microsoft Teams. This is available on laptops, mobile phones, tablets and on a Playstation or Xbox. More information about how to access this is available at the bottom of the page.

Nursery and Reception are also uploading daily activities for pupils to take part in via Tapestry.

Remote learning will match classroom learning as much as possible, and will continue to deliver the Griffin curriculum to pupils working at home. Staff from Years 1 to 6 will be online delivering lesson introductions at the times below. Following these introductions there will be an activity to complete. There is no expectation to complete activities at the times indicated below, however you may find it helpful to provide a structure. The introductions will be recorded and available on the dashboard for the rest of the day should your child need to watch them again, or at a different time.

Teachers will post activities for different subjects every day and will then be available to provide support as requested or required.

Remote teaching and study time each day

We will be providing the following amount of learning per day, in line with Government guidance. This may not always be live online lessons but will also include independent work and activities set to be completed during the day.

  • KS1 (EYFS, Y1, Y2) – 3 hours
  • KS2 (Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6) – 4 hours

Please see the live session times for each year group that children are encouraged to join:

Year Group Morning Afternoon
Reception 9am Check in

11am Dough Disco

1pm Writing

2pm Story

Year 1 9.15am Phonics

10.15am English introduction

11am Maths introduction

12.45pm Handwriting

1.15pm Guiding Reading introduction

2.15pm Story

Year 2 9.30am Maths introduction

10.45am English introduction

12.30pm Guiding Reading introduction

1.15pm Afternoon introduction

2.45pm Story

Year 3 9.15am Guiding Reading introduction

9.45am English introduction

11am Maths introduction

1pm Afternoon introduction

2.45pm Story

Year 4 9am Maths introduction

10am Guiding Reading introduction

11am English introduction

1.30pm Afternoon introduction

3pm Check in and story

Year 5 9.30am Check in

9.45am Guiding Reading introduction

10.15am English introduction

11.15am Maths introduction

1.15pm Afternoon introduction

3.15pm Check in and story

Year 6 9.15am Maths introduction

10.30am Guiding Reading introduction

11.30am English introduction

1.20pm Afternoon introduction

3pm Check in and story

Accessing remote education

Remote learning can be accessed immediately through Microsoft Teams.  This is available on laptops, mobile phones, tablets and on a Playstation or Xbox.  More information about how to access this is available at the bottom of the page.

Nursery and Reception are also uploading daily activities for pupils to take part in via Tapestry.

In addition to this, your child will also have access to Bug Club, Times Table Rockstars and Purple Mash.   Some pupils also have access to Lexia.

Support pupils to get online

If you are having difficulty accessing the online learning at home, for example due to a lack of device, multiple children sharing one device or a lack of internet, please contact the school office in the first instance.  Laptops and tablets will be loaned out from school when available which parents will be asked to sign for.

If you need help with data to access the internet, we have SIM cards which contain 30gb of data usable for 90 days or can request a 4G wireless router for you to use.

Some mobile phone providers are also taking part in a  scheme which temporarily increases data allowances for mobile phone users on certain networks and therefore, further support students with their home learning.  As a school we can, on your behalf,  request mobile data increases for children and young people who:

  • do not have fixed broadband at home
  • cannot afford additional data for their devices
  • are experiencing disruption to their face-to-face education

Children with access to a mobile phone on one of the following networks might be able to benefit: Three, Smarty, Virgin Mobile, EE, Tesco Mobile, Sky Mobile and O2.  Other providers might join the scheme at a later stage.

The school office can be contacted on 794122 or Griffin.Enquiries@vennacademy.org

Approaches to remote learning

We use a combination of the following approached to teach pupils remotely:

  • Daily live lesson introductions for Reception, KS1 and KS2 via Microsoft Teams
  • Recorded teaching – video and audio recordings made by the teachers
  • Assignments set daily on Microsoft Teams
  • In EYFS, activities may be set on Tapestry
  • Bug Club and Times Table Rock Stars are available to all pupils to practice reading and times tables
  • Some children will have access to Lexia which will deliver personalised lessons to support with reading

Engagement and feedback

Remote learning will mirror classroom learning as much as possible, and will continue to deliver the Griffin curriculum to pupils working at home.  Staff from Reception to Year 6 will be online delivering live lesson introductions daily.  These lessons will be on Microsoft Teams.  Following the introductions there be an activity to complete.  The lesson introductions are recorded and available on the Teams dashboard for the rest of the day, so they can be accessed later in the day if required.

We are aware that the online meeting times may not be at a good time of the day for everyone, so there is no expectation to join in every meeting.  We would recommend them though where possible, as experience has shown that this helps engage the children and gives them an opportunity to ask questions about their work.  They will also enjoy seeing each other and keeping in contact with the staff from their year group.  Some families may prefer to block the work in different ways, particularly if there is more than one child sharing a device.  There is the flexibility to do this.

Teachers will post activities for different subjects every day and will then be available to provide support as requested or required. They can answer queries via Microsoft Teams or Tapestry.  You can also contact staff via staff email or a phone call to the office.  Teachers will be monitoring the engagement of all pupils in the online learning and will be contacting parents when there has been little or no engagement in this.

Submitting work

The expectation is that the work is completed and uploaded by the end of each day for the teacher to see and mark.  This can be done by uploading the completed work or a screenshot of the work to Microsoft Teams.  A guide can be found below which explains how to add an assignment to Microsoft Teams.


Staff in each year group are monitoring the pupils who access Microsoft Teams daily and are available online to support.  The online meets via Microsoft Teams are an excellent contact point.  You may also receive a phone call from a member of staff to check in with you and your child; and to discuss the learning activities.    Staff will provide support for any children who are finding it difficult for whatever reason to engage with the learning.

Using the Insights feature on Microsoft Teams we can identify who, when and for how long each child has engaged and communicated in every aspect of our remote learning offer on this platform.   If you are aware of any barriers that are preventing your child from accessing remote learning, please contact us and let us try and address them.


Feedback will take a number of different forms.  Staff will look at children’s submitted work each day and write a short comment to acknowledge it.  After each lesson, they will gather whole-class feedback from the work submitted and will then provide feedback during the live lesson introductions the next day.  This feedback will also be included in the daily Powerpoints provided and available to see whilst waiting for the live introduction to start. During the live lesson introductions, verbal feedback will be given based on responses given.

Sticky knowledge from previous learning will be assessed via the use of a multiple choice question at the start of afternoon lessons.

Additional support for pupils with particular needs

We recognise that some pupils, for example pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home.  We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils.

For pupils with SEND, their teachers are best-placed to know how the pupil’s needs can be most effectively met to ensure they continue to make progress event if they are not able to be in school.  We use our best endeavours to secure the special educational provision called for by the pupils’ special educational need remains in place.

We will work collaboratively with families, putting in place reasonable adjustments as necessary, so that pupils with SEND can successfully access remote education alongside their peers.  Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) will be provided with activities that will meet their specific needs.  SEND pupils are invited to attend the live online learning introductions taking place each day and will have the opportunity for a further input with their teacher at the end of these.

The SENCO and staff from each year group will make contact with families each week to offer further advice and support as required to enable pupils to access their work.

Remote education for self-isolating pupils

Where individual pupils need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in school, how remote education is provided will likely differ from the approach for whole groups. This is due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.

Where possible, we teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school so the approach will be the same as above via Microsoft Teams and Tapestry.

Useful links for home learning

Please follow the links below for useful information to help with home learning:

Mental Health and Wellbeing

My favourite lesson at school is English. I can let my imagination run wild!

Year 6 Pupil

I like school because we do lots of fun activities!

Year 4 Pupil

I love doing our Thursday activities. They’re fun and teach me something new.

Year 6 Pupil

I love doing sports at Griffin. It keeps me fit and healthy!

Year 6 Pupil

It is really easy to make new friends. That is an amazing thing about this School!

Year 6 Pupil

The best thing about school is seeing my friends and the teachers.

Year 4 Pupil