A Venn Academy Trust School

– Together we will…

Venn is a pioneering academy trust, committed to building educational environments where all pupils are inspired to become lifelong learners who achieve the very highest standards possible.

Collaborating with all partners, the Trust works with its unique settings to create world class learning experiences for all.

Registered address:

Venn Academy Trust
Albion House
Albion Lane
East Yorkshire
HU10 6TS.

A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales (company number: 09662303).

Performance Data

What are SATs?

SATs are national tests that pupils currently sit at the end of Year 6.

Reading KS2 2024
Expected standard 74%
National 73%
Achieving Greater Depth 24%
National 29%
Writing KS2 2024
Expected standard 72%
National 71%
Achieving Greater Depth 3%
National 13%
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) KS2 2024
Expected standard 79%
National 72%
Achieving Greater Depth 33%
National 30%
Maths KS2 2024
Expected standard 81%
National 73%
Greater Depth 14%
National 24%
Reading, Writing and Maths Combined KS2 2024
Expected standard 67%
National 59%
Achieving higher standard 2%
National 8%
Average scaled scores and progress measures:

Average scores

For a pupil to achieve the expected standard in Reading and Maths they must achieve a scaled score of 100+ in the corresponding tests.

For a pupil to be working at greater depth in Reading and Maths they must achieve a scaled score of 110+ in the corresponding tests.

  • The average scaled score at Griffin Primary School for Reading is 104.
  • The average scaled score at Griffin Primary School for Maths is 104.
  • The average scaled score at Griffin Primary School for GPS is 106.

Average progress made in KS2 in 2022-2023

National average progress is always 0. Schools that make less progress receive a negative number rating, schools that make more progress receive a positive rating.

  • Average progress in Reading at Griffin Primary School is -1.1
  • Average progress in Writing at Griffin Primary School is 1.8
  • Average progress in Maths at Griffin Primary School is -0.6

Further information:

Click the link below to visit the School performance tables website:

It is really easy to make new friends. That is an amazing thing about this School!

Year 6 Pupil

The best thing about school is seeing my friends and the teachers.

Year 4 Pupil

I love doing sports at Griffin. It keeps me fit and healthy!

Year 6 Pupil

My favourite lesson at school is English. I can let my imagination run wild!

Year 6 Pupil

I love doing our Thursday activities. They’re fun and teach me something new.

Year 6 Pupil

I like school because we do lots of fun activities!

Year 4 Pupil