A Venn Academy Trust School

– Together we will…

Venn is a pioneering academy trust, committed to building educational environments where all pupils are inspired to become lifelong learners who achieve the very highest standards possible.

Collaborating with all partners, the Trust works with its unique settings to create world class learning experiences for all.

Registered address:

Venn Academy Trust
Albion House
Albion Lane
East Yorkshire
HU10 6TS.

A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales (company number: 09662303).

Mental Health & Wellbeing

We have put together some useful links and sources of mental health support so that children and young people, parents, carers, and staff can get the advice and help they need.

The list below is not exhaustive, and many other useful organisations and services exist, but it is hoped that these will help children, young people and adults navigate the key resources and get the support they deserve.

General information relevant to children and young people’s wellbeing and mental health 

These resources are dedicated to children and young people’s general mental health and wellbeing, with a particular focus on mindfulness with developing coping skills in young people. 


  • NHS Every Mind Matters: Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. We have expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.

  • CAMHS Resources: Helpful resources to support mental health and wellbeing.

  • Young Minds: YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Advice on depression, anxiety, ADHD & self-harm.

  • NSPCC: Recognising the signs that a child may be struggling with their mental health can be really hard. The NSPCC has got advice to help you support children who may be experiencing depression, anxiety, suicidal feelings or self-harm.

  • Kooth: Kooth is a free online counselling platform for children & young people Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people aged 10-18 year old with trained counsellors as well as articles written by young people, a supportive online community forum and the function to record online journals.

  • Childline: ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor for free about anything – no problem is too big or too small. Telephone: 0800 1111

  • Anna Freud: Work in collaboration with children and their families to transform children and families’ mental health.

  • Everybody Worries: In this bright and friendly picture book, children learn that it’s okay to worry about coronavirus. Fun rhyming couplets keep the tone gentle and supportive, and you will find plenty of ideas for dealing with coronavirus in a positive way. Everybody Worries offers your child the reassuring message that this crisis will pass, we are there for them, and we will get through this together.

  • Thrive helps you prevent and manage stress, anxiety and related conditions.
  • Students Against Depression is a website offering advice, information, guidance and resources to those affected by low mood, depression and suicidal thinking.
  • Togetherall is available for students at eligible universities and colleges who are feeling stressed, anxious, low or not coping. It provides an anonymous online community who share troubles and support each other. It is a safe space as it is moderated by trained professionals who are available 24/7. 
  • Place2Behas a host of mental health resources available. They organise Children’s Mental Health Week every year. 
  • SafeSpot is an iPhone and Android app that promotes positive mental wellbeing in children and young people and has been designed to help children and young people with their coping skills.  

  • MindEd’s advice and resources for families on supporting children’s mental health. This includes the Education Hub (which hosts a short Wellbeing for Education Return training webinar for education staff as well as more in-depth content covering wellbeing and resilience, bereavement and loss, stress, trauma, anxiety and low mood). 
  • NHS: Mental Health Helplines for Urgent Help – NHS 24-hour advice and support for you, your child, your parent or someone you care for. Help is available to speak to a mental health professional. 
  • NHS IAPT: free online NHS adult psychological therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), for common problems involving stress, anxiety and depression. IAPT services can be accessed either through a self-referral by contacting your Local IAPT or via your GP. 
  • Headspace: Headspace for Educators offers educators access to free mindfulness and meditation exercises and resources for every age group, and a free Headspace Meditation App. 
  • Public Health EnglandEvery Mind Matters: Looking After Your Mental Health Resources aims to support everyone to feel more confident in taking action to look after their mental health and wellbeing by promoting a range of self-care actions. 

  • Public Health England: Every Mind Matters Self-Care Tool when you complete the 5 ‘Survey’ questions, a ‘Mind Plan’ is generated, with signposting options to many useful resources. 

I like school because we do lots of fun activities!

Year 4 Pupil

My favourite lesson at school is English. I can let my imagination run wild!

Year 6 Pupil

I love doing sports at Griffin. It keeps me fit and healthy!

Year 6 Pupil

I love doing our Thursday activities. They’re fun and teach me something new.

Year 6 Pupil

The best thing about school is seeing my friends and the teachers.

Year 4 Pupil

It is really easy to make new friends. That is an amazing thing about this School!

Year 6 Pupil