A Venn Academy Trust School

– Together we will…

Venn is a pioneering academy trust, committed to building educational environments where all pupils are inspired to become lifelong learners who achieve the very highest standards possible.

Collaborating with all partners, the Trust works with its unique settings to create world class learning experiences for all.

Registered address:

Venn Academy Trust
Albion House
Albion Lane
East Yorkshire
HU10 6TS.

A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales (company number: 09662303).

School uniform

We have a school uniform; this not only looks very smart but also promotes a positive image of the school.

Please ensure that ALL items of school clothing are named – this enables us to return items quickly and easily!

Our School Uniform:

  • School/plain navy blue sweatshirt
  • Light blue shirt/polo shirt
  • Black shoes (plain with no logos) suitable for school
  • Light blue blouse/polo shirt
  • Skirt/pinafore dress or trousers – grey

The dress code may be modified to incorporate ethnic/religious groups.

  • Leggings/jeans are not allowed
  • No jewellery except for stud earrings and watches
  • No makeup or nail varnish should be worn
  • Bags – Bookbags will be given to the children in September.

Due to a limited amount of storage space, children should only bring their book bags, PE footwear and packed lunches. We do not have the facilities to store other larger bags and these quickly become a health and safety hazard if they are brought into school.

Our school uniform is available to be purchased from Steady School and Sports Wear – Please click the link below:-

School Uniform Policy


The school will be providing the PE kit for all children. This will be kept at school and washed regularly. However, you will need to provide labelled plimsolls or trainers.

  • Gymnastics and dance should be done in bare feet
  • Earrings must be covered up or removed and long hair tied back

I like school because we do lots of fun activities!

Year 4 Pupil

I love doing sports at Griffin. It keeps me fit and healthy!

Year 6 Pupil

I love doing our Thursday activities. They’re fun and teach me something new.

Year 6 Pupil

My favourite lesson at school is English. I can let my imagination run wild!

Year 6 Pupil

It is really easy to make new friends. That is an amazing thing about this School!

Year 6 Pupil

The best thing about school is seeing my friends and the teachers.

Year 4 Pupil